Elon Catholic Campus Ministry
Stations of the Cross at Elon

14th Station: Jesus is Laid in the Tomb

After the body of Jesus is washed, prepared with spices, and wrapped in cloth, it is placed in a borrowed sepulcher. The stone is rolled over to block the entrance. Guards stand watch, lest the body be stolen.

To his followers standing by, Jesus' death looks so final, the tomb air-tight and dark.

It's good for us to ponder our own lifeless bodies embalmed, laid out in our casket, and ready for burial. For although we may look fine, all laid out in our Sunday best, we're not there. Our spirit will have moved on to a new life with God.

Help us, Lord, to see our own tombs through the eyes of faith, as our gateway into new and everlasting life. As Jesus did not stay in the tomb, but rose again on Easter, so do we believe that our communion with Jesus in life and in death will bring us to a like resurrection.

God and Father, for this, we praise and thank you.
