Elon Catholic Campus Ministry
Fall 2016 Issue
CCM Newsletter
Jimmy Mitchell: Well-Known Catholic Speaker and Musician Comes to Elon
By Emily Keller and Emily Trainor, Class of 2019

Mercy is the love from God that we do not deserve. We were fortunate enough to have Jimmy Mitchell, a Catholic speaker and musician, share his ministry and love for the Lord with us. The topic was on the history of mercy and his experiences with it. We followed the story from the beginning of time through Pentecost to see how much love God has poured out for us throughout salvation history and still today. Along with his stories of history, there were corresponding pieces of music he wrote that delved deeper into a new experience of emotions. He explained how his music is inspired by the love of God, and encouraged the listener to let the music guide them through their journey whether it is through a vision, feeling, or thought. Jimmy spoke about his personal stories of how mercy has led him to evangelize youth to realize God’s love.

Jimmy brought a new perspective to how we view mercy by tying in music. Each song had a distinct story of how it came to be and a guided vision that he shared for the song. After each song was played he asked what we felt or shared his own personal story, which was a special experience because he was talking with us and bringing our love for God together as one. He made everyone in the room feel as he was talking to us individually and through his personal stories of hiking a mountain in Guatemala, discovering a cave in Austria, or Adoration with over 300 teens and chaperones in Georgia, he showed how God’s love and mercy is truly infinite.

Sometimes college can be stressful and classwork and extracurricular activities can overcome a student’s time and energy. Jimmy brought a perspective of light and love sharing stories filled with hope and joy that come out of sorrow and despair. We all carry our own crosses, but since the beginning of time, God has constantly poured out his love for us and to this day, is still in love with each and every one of us. It is important for each of us to remember that deep undying love from a Father who is so merciful during each part of the day. From praying a morning offering the minute you wake up to doing an examination of conscience at the end of the day, we are to live each day for and with the Lord.

Print Articles:

Front Porch Friday by Melissa Purgert

Get to know Father Peter

Jimmy Mitchell Comes to Elon by Emily Keller and Emily Trainor

First-Year Experiences: Being Catholic at Elon by Heather Nelson

Fall Break Service Trip: An Encounter with Mercy and Compassion by Cecilia Nelson

Dining on Campus (but not in the dining halls!)

Annual Report of Giving 2015-2016