Feast of Saint Francis
While the Feast of Saint Francis is officially celebrated every year on October 4th, Catholic Campus Ministry holds the annual Blessing of Animals during the University’s "Numen Lumen" program on Thursday mornings. A tradition that transcends faith boundaries, the blessing brought the university community together on a beautiful October 8th morning. Dozens of students, faculty, and staff brought their pets (live, digital, and stuffed) to be blessed by Father Gerry and sprinkled with holy water.
Halloween and the Fall Pumpkin Festival
Hosted by the Elon University Garden Studio Class, the Fall Pumpkin Festival was held on October 30th at the Elon Community Garden on campus. CCM students came together to enjoy live music, baked goods, face-painting, and, of course, pumpkin carving. Afterwards, students returned to the Newman Center for s'mores dip and caramel apples!
Thanksgiving Sunday Supper
Always a popular event, the monthly Sunday Supper in November gave CCM students a taste of Thanksgiving before the actual holiday came around. A group of CCM staff and students prepared turkeys, hams, countless sides, and desserts to feed Mass-goers and friends. Mindful of our blessings, the community also participated in a food drive to assist the local food pantries.
Advent, Christmas, and Stuff-a-Stocking
Catholic Campus Ministry and students always look forward to the Advent and Christmas season. The University's annual Festival of Holiday Lights in December brings the community together, and Father Gerry even played the role of Santa Claus last year. Also, CCM students will participate again this year in the Stuff-a-Stocking program to purchase and deliver toys and clothing to families in need within our community.