Elon Catholic Campus Ministry
Liturgical Ministries

Our students serve as liturgical ministers at both Masses. Lectors proudly proclaim the Word of God, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist serve the precious Body and Blood, and Greeters welcome everyone at the door. We encourage any student to volunteer your services at all our liturgies. Please contact to sign up. We have scheduled trainings throughout the year, and we often personally train new ministers when requested.

Liturgical Ministry Guidelines

Use the following guidelines to help you in your particular ministries.

Guidelines for Greeters
Guidelines for Lectors
Guidelines for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Additional Resources for Lectors

If you are scheduled as a Lector for the upcoming Sunday Mass, we ask that you please familiarize yourself with the readings throughout the week before Mass. A link to the readings is provided below, as well as some helpful preparation links and notes.

Readings for March 16, 2025

Pronunciation Guide (for those hard words!)

To Prepare, one should:

  • Prayerfully prepare before arriving for the celebration of Mass by reading the assigned scripture, taking care to discern the meaning and importance of the text.
  • The reader should also practice the readings aloud, making sure to pronounce words distinctly, and to understand their meaning.
  • The reader should realize that the ministry of reader is one of evangelization, inviting the assembly into a deeper and richer relationship with God, and as such the reader should come prepared to proclaim the Word with conviction and passion.
  • The reader should also arrive at Church early enough to attend to any practical details, such as placement of the microphone, reading over the announcements and/or petitions, and to communicate with the priest about any necessary details.