Watch a replay of our live-streamed 10:00 AM Mass (you may need to unmute the video):
Sunday Mass Live StreamJoin us every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM for our live stream of Mass from the Elon campus!
Posted by Elon Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM)
As stated by our Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama, all of the faithful continue to be dispensed from their Sunday obligation during this time. While this dispensation is applicable to all, the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions or other vulnerable people should especially continue to stay at home and join us via live-stream instead. We ask that if you are ill, please be mindful of others by staying at home until the illness has passed.
CCM will continue live-streaming our 10:00 AM Sunday Mass each week. Please join us right here on this page, and the video above will go live on Sundays at 10:00 AM. If, for any reason, the video is not starting correctly at the appointed time, please refresh this page. Otherwise, you may view it instead on our Facebook page.
How to Participate in a Live-Stream Mass
- Starting five or ten minutes before Mass, have ready your phone or computer on this page (or Instagram or Facebook). Try to sit in silence and remove any distractions to prepare you for the sacred liturgy.
- Listen actively during Mass. Respond out loud when you typically respond at Mass, e.g. "And with your spirit."
- During the Prayers of the Faithful, we invite you to comment in real-time any intentions that you would like our community to lift up in prayer. Please know that your comments and intentions are visible to all who are attending.
- During Holy Communion, even though you are not able to receive the Eucharist, we invite you to say out loud this prayer of spiritual communion:
My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.
If You Would Like to Make a Donation
Our congregation is comprised of students with limited ability to give at this time in their lives, so CCM is incredibly grateful for any financial support we receive through our offertory collections. We are a self-funded ministry and we rely on donations to fund our programs, events, supplies, and personnel. With virtual Masses removing the physical option to donate through the offertory, we ask that if you would like to make an offertory donation, to do so through any of the following options:
- Mail
- You may mail a check to our address at:
Elon Catholic Campus Ministry
2960 Campus Box
Elon, NC 27244 - Please put "Offertory" under the memo line.
- You may mail a check to our address at:
- Venmo
- Open your Venmo app (iOS or Android) and make a payment to @elonccm (or just search for "Elon CCM")
- Please put "Offertory" under What's it for?
- If you do not have a Venmo account but would like to donate through Venmo, please see "How to Sign Up" instructions here.
- Online Donation
- Visit
- Please leave a note in the Comments section that this is for the "Offertory Collection."
- You may make a one-time donation or set up a recurring gift.
Thank you so much for your generosity.
Leave Feedback for Fr. Peter
Fr. Peter is always looking for ways to improve his homilies! If you have any feedback on Fr. Peter's homilies, leave your comments here!