October is Respect Life Month, an annual tradition celebrated by the Catholic Church in the U.S. During the whole month, CCM celebrates God's gift of life and the dignity of every human person, from conception to natural death. On this page, you can find events that CCM will host on Elon's campus, and what it means to respect life.
Every person bears God's image and has an immortal soul. Yet many are viewed as being outside the circle of love - unborn children whose parents are tempted to eliminate them, vulnerable people with illnesses and disabilities who risk being abanoned or even killed through misguided "mercy," prisoners on death row, forgotten or despised long after they have repented of their wrongdoing.
Although it seems a paradox, the greater the sacrifices made out of love, the greater is our joy and peace. Whether it is the brave decision of a pregnant woman to reject abortion and allow a loving family to parent her child when she cannot, or the daily sacrifices of parents in raising young children, or the hard work of caring for an elderly relative with dementia, when we step up to these challenges, God can stretch our hearts and fill them to overflowing with his love, joy, and peace.