Take a ride in the all-new Cath Cab! We understand that sometimes it just takes too long to walk to Holt Chapel for Wednesday Night Catholic, or to the Newman Center all the way on South Campus for an event. Now, just call the Cath Cab, and we'll come pick you up!
CCM events for which the Cath Cab will be operating will be announced prior to the event. Just call 336-446-9CAB (336-446-9222) and tell us your name and location, and we'll send the Cab to come get you. Look for the car with the Cath Cab magnet. If for some reason, we can't answer the phone in time, leave a message and we'll call you back ASAP!
Remember, the Cath Cab is only available for Elon CCM and certain CCM events. We can pick you up and drop you off anywhere on Elon's campus and nearby areas (within half a mile!).
Frequently asked questions
What's the Cath Cab?
The Cath Cab is a driving service provided by Elon CCM to get you to and from CCM events.
For what events can I call the Cath Cab?
Announcements will be made prior to an event if the Cath Cab is running.
How early before an event do I have to call to get a ride?
The earlier on the day of the event, the better. The Cath Cab will usually pick people until only 5 minutes remain before the event starts.
Do I have to answer questions like they do on that Discovery Channel show?
If you want to answer questions, then our driver will ask them! However, we will never throw you out on the side of the street if you get too many wrong.
What if I no longer need a ride?
Please call us back and let us know, so we don't arrive with no one waiting for us. Gas is expensive!
What's the number for the Cath Cab again?
It's on the right side of this page. Just call 336-446-9CAB! (That's 336-446-9222.)