Elon Catholic Campus Ministry
Spring 2016 Issue
CCM Newsletter
Senior Memories 2016

"After the Beach Retreat I attended my first year, I knew I had found "my people." The friends and mentors I have found through CCM have become family. We still talk and laugh about so many memories today, and I have no doubt that we will continue to look back fondly on them for many years to come." - Grace Ahlering

"My favorite part about CCM has definitely been the friendships that I have formed. During my first semester at Elon, I really struggled with the transition to a new state and school. It was not until CCM Fall Beach Retreat where I found my core group of friends that shared the same values and beliefs as me, and once I met that group, Elon began to feel more like home." - Ashley Halinski

"The thing I will miss the most about CCM is the annual beach retreat. I met some of my best Elon friends while on beach retreat, plus it's a great way to disconnect from our busy college schedules and focus on our faith." - Danny Kirk

"My favorite part about being involved with CCM was helping to organize and put on retreats, especially for the Confirmands of the Blessed Sacrament community. Orchestrating something that means so much to so many is one of the most gratifying feelings in the world, and puts real meaning to the idea of serving God by serving others." - Allie Kornacki

"My most cherished memories in CCM are hanging out at the Newman Center with my best friends. When I first came to Elon it was a home away from home and I like to think it always will be." - Kristin Leesman

"The thing I will miss most about CCM are the people I have met and become so close with. It has been so comforting throughout my college career to have been part of such a strong faith community. (I'll also miss Father Gerry's hugs after Mass - those were always the best)." - Mackenzie Murray

"One thing about CCM which I'll miss very much is Sunday Supper. The food is phenomenal (and free), I've met some of my best friends at Elon there, and I thoroughly enjoy the clean-up process. Our work in the kitchen provided a nice, very intimate setting for fellowship." - Max Whelan