Elon Catholic Campus Ministry

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the Lenten season and the start of our journey of spiritual growth. We are marked with ashes as a sign of repentance and mourning for our sins. It is an incredible day when we see so many of our students take time to join one of our Ash Wednesday services, overflowing our worship spaces.

To help you on your own Lenten journey, we are excited to share our latest Lenten video series. Starting on Ash Wednesday and then every Sunday during Lent, come back to see the next video reflection. These reflections will be from students, Elon faculty, and Father Peter. Then, on Easter Sunday, we’ll have an incredibly joyful video on the way!

We continue to pray for you and your family and wish you all a blessed Lenten Season!

Other videos from our Lenten Series

See archived videos on our YouTube channel!