Mission Statement:
Catholic Campus Ministry is a welcoming home at Elon where we:
Thank you for considering an investment in Catholic Campus Ministry at Elon University and partnering with us in our mission. CCM is a vibrant and welcoming community on Elon's campus. We come together to celebrate our faith through worship at Mass and Adoration, to grow in our faith through weekend retreats and small faith-sharing groups, and to live our faith through service and alternative break trips.
Catholic students comprise over 22% of the total undergraduate population at Elon University. It is essential during these formative years of their faith and education that they are provided opportunities such as those listed above. With your support, Catholic Campus Ministry will be able to nourish our students' faith, empower them to work for justice, and help them develop into inspired leaders not only for our Church, but for the world.
CCM is incredibly grateful for any financial support we receive. We rely on our donors as our primary revenue source to fund our programs, events, supplies, and personnel. We are a self-funded ministry, with the only financial support from Elon University coming from the Elon Student Government Association in their annual budget allocations toward all student organizations. And unlike parishes that have weekly income from collections, our congregation is comprised of students with limited ability to give at this time in their lives. We hope that you will prayerfully consider assisting Catholic Campus Ministry at Elon to continue providing opportunities for our students to grow and live out their faith on campus and beyond.
As a recognized organization at Elon University, a gift designated to Catholic Campus Ministry is a gift to Elon University. Your tax-deductible donation will be processed through the Office of University Advancement, who will provide you with a tax receipt. Your gift will also be acknowledged by the Catholic Church through the Elon Catholic Campus Ministry program. Help CCM in our partnership with Elon to ensure the future of our university. Every gift makes a difference. Thank you for your generosity!