The Study
An introduction to this study of family use of the Internet.

The Families
Feature stories reflecting the Internet's impact on study participants' lives.

The Diaries
Statistics reported by people taking part in the project.

The Researchers
Janna Q. Anderson of the Elon School of Communications and 25 student researchers compiled this study.

The Neighborhood
Details about the town of Elon, N.C. and the neighborhood in this study.

Elon University

Pew Internet & American Life Project

Most frequent Internet activities by 42 adults
who took part in the survey
  1. Plan a vacation - 83%
  2. Send e-mail attachments - 81%
  3. Use e-mail to tell good news - 81%
  4. Send/receive photos - 81%
  5. Find/share jokes - 79%
  6. Keep in touch with someone - 79%
  7. Substitute e-mail for long-distance phone call - 79%
  8. Buy goods/services - 79%
  9. Comparison shop (not buy) - 76%
  10. Get medical information - 74%

Least frequent Internet activities by adults
who took part in the survey
  1. Sell things - 0%
  2. Be an activist for a cause - 2%
  3. Send video with a Webcam - 7%
  4. Download games - 10%
  5. Plan a speech for a group - 10%
  6. Use Internet for a home business - 10%
  7. Meet folks in a chat room - 12%
  8. Share info on a listserv - 12%
  9. Take a class or course - 12%
  10. Do homework - 12%
Most frequent Internet activities by 13 minors
who took part in the survey
  1. Do homework - 85%
  2. Play games - 77%
  3. Use instant messaging - 77%
  4. Listen to music - 69%
  5. Substitute e-mail for long-distance phone call - 69%
  6. Use e-mail to tell good news - 69%
  7. Keep in touch with someone - 69%
  8. Find/share jokes - 69%
  9. Send Internet greeting cards - 62%
  10. Send/receive photos - 54%
  11. Work on hobby/pastime - 54%
  12. Learn about people in foreign cultures - 54%


Elon University, North Carolina 
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Elon, N.C. 27244-2010   (800) 334-8448 
Last Modified:January 2001
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